What are Bing ads?
Bing ads are an online advertising platform developed by Microsoft, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos.
How do Bing ads work?
Like Google Ads, Bing ads are auction-based and rely on keywords targeting. If you run ads on Bing, you will set up bids based on your target keywords or using automated bidding strategies.
Since Bing is based on a pay per click (PPC) model, you will pay each time a visitor clicks on an ad and is brought to your site.
How many people use Bing vs Google?
Is important to understand how many people use Bing vs Google so we can have an idea on how much traffic to expect.
Source: www.statista.com
Do Bing ads work?
Yes, Bing ads work. Bing ads target users with high purchase intention, like other search engines advertising platforms.
Though you may not think it, Bing ads can actually be a valuable place to run ads for your business! Even though Google has more search volume, Bing boasts higher positioning, less bidding competition, and generally a lower cost-per-click.
Benefits of Bing ads?
- You can track and measure the performance: you will be able to tack every valuable action and how much you are spending to generate revenues.
- Control your costs: you can decide how much you want to spend
- Predict future monthly performance: Once it is set up you can predict the forecasted results in the next months, based on previous performance
- Increase sales and leads consistently
If you are already using Google Ads and getting traffic, Bing ads could be another important marketing tool to consider.
Because you can target what exactly people are looking for and promote your service or products directly to the users who are looking for them.
Will Bing ads work for my business?
Bing ads work very well when there is enough search volume around your target keywords.
Bing ads can be great to increase sales or leads or both. When people type something on a search engine, they’re looking for something specific. That means they have intent. They’re actively looking for something to buy. They’re literally telling you what they want to buy by typing out words around your products and services. You can promote your products and services and target what exactly people are looking for.
To give an answer to the question “Do bing ads work for my business?” ask yourself the following questions:
- Are your potential customers searching in Bing for the products and services you want to sell? Is there enough search volume for your products or services?
- Does your business have a good margin on the products or services you sell to cover the advertising costs?
- If not, are you able to sell multiple times to the same customer and convert the advertising costs?
- Are your website pages optimised to convert customers?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to these questions, Bing Ads absolutely has the potential to work and is a solution that can increase your revenues and profits exponentially.
Though there is no set guarantee that Bing ads will be worth your money, we’ve found several ways to predict and do a forecast of the results:
- Analyse the keywords using the Bing ads keyword planner to see if there are searches related to your business
- Perform a search on Bing and see if there are other advertiser promoting products or services, this might be a signal
- If you are running Google Ads search campaigns and getting a profit, probably Bing ads will bring similar results.
What type of ads campaigns can I use on Bing Ads?
There are mainly 3 types of campaigns you can use:
1. Search campaigns
2. Display Campaigns
3. Shopping Campaigns
Who will see my Bing ads?
The ads will be shown to the users who are searching for the keywords you are targeting in the campaign.
Also, the bid and the quality score will determine if your ad will be shown or not.
A Search Ads Main Components
The ad headline is the first thing someone will notice in the ad because it has the largest text size. Incorporate relevant keywords to get attention from high-intent searchers and increase CTR.
Bing ads allow up to 3 headlines, each up to 30 characters.
Description text helps highlight the most important details about your product or service and why search users should click through. Google Ads allow max 90 characters.
Do you want to run profitable Bing ads campaigns and find out if Bing ads is worth it? We can help!